Gauri Chadha is an award winning filmmaker with her last film ‘Gawah’ collecting over 14 awards and 21 nominations through the international film festival circuit and has gained a decent amount of press coverage. Born in New Delhi, India and educated in Film and Theatre at the historical University of Miami and the prestigious Met Film School, London she now resides between Mumbai & Dubai, where she has set up her own production house, Chasing Frames Productions.
She has worked on projects such as “Mission: Impossible‐ Ghost Protocol (2011),“Gandhi of the Month (2012),” “David (2013)” and Ishk Actually (2013) to name a few as she continues her cinematic journey.
She has also collaborated with NGO’s to create a public service film about Inclusion that was exhibited by PVR Cinemas and endorsed by the Department of Disability Affairs, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India and has just completed a documentary entitled ‘I am Tamana’ which is based on specially abled children.
Currently she is working on various commercials for the Arab region for prestigious brands such as Google - Philips & Shukran as she continues to chase her dream!